What Is Chiropractic?

“Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art of things natural; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column by hand only, for the correction of the cause of disease.” 
– B.J. Palmer (developer of Chiropractic)

The philosophy: Chiropractic is based on God’s Laws.  D.D. Palmer (the founder of Chiropractic) stated that Chiropractic is


Life is given from above – down, and expressed from the inside – out.  Universal intelligence (God) from above, interacting with our innate intelligence within, expresses itself outwardly via an interaction of messages passed between the cells of the body and the brain.

The science: (a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws):

Fact 1: Your nervous system controls and co-ordinates the function of every single cell, tissue, organ and system in your body.

Fact 2: Your spine is the ‘gateway’ of your nervous system. It houses, protects and transmits the nerves from your brain and spinal cord out into your body.

If you injure a joint in your spine that results in nerve interference, your normal body function will be compromised and your health will deteriorate. This joint problem causing nerve interference is called a subluxation. Put quite simply: A healthy spine = a healthy nervous system = a healthy body.

The art: locating and correcting a subluxation. The physical application of the philosophy in a scientific manner to empower your body to self-heal.

A subluxated joint can cause all manner of health problems because the vital nerve links between your brain and body are disrupted. Organs and tissues begin to break down because they are not in right relationship with the rest of the body and ill-health (sickness and diseases) results.

A principled Chiropractor will thoroughly examine your spine and nervous system for subluxations, and correct them with a specific adjustment using their hands. This empowers your body with the best opportunity to heal and function optimally.